Victory! Major Airlines join to ban transportation of endangered species…
We are hugely excited to announce that after 2 decades of campaigning for lions’ protection, we are greatly encouraged that many of the major airlines have now pledged not to carry the trophies of endangered species on their flights, in the response to the tragic killing of the famous Zimbabwean lion Cecil.
The list of airlines taking a principled position:
Delta Airlines
British Airways
Virgin Atlantic
American Airlines
United Airlines
Air France
Singapore Airlines
Brussels Airlines
Air Canada
Below is a list of the Courier/Cargo Companies:
IAG Cargo
Lufthansa Cargo
Emirates Air Cargo
We hope that others will follow, especially the cargo companies.
Boycott: South African Airlines (SAA) as they still support the carrying of animal trophies.
Sign the Petition to SAA to stop transporting wildlife trophies
Sign the Petition to Fedex to stop transporting wildlife trophies
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PAL partners with the White Lion Trust
We’re proud to be partnering with PAL (Protecting African Lions) who are donating ALL the proceeds from their iconic bracelets to the White Lions.