Youth Leadership: Igniting the LionHeart

LionHearted Leadership™

Inspired by first-hand knowledge of the White Lions, Linda Tucker has led leadership courses since 2005.

LionHeartedness as a concept was defined by Linda Tucker through the example of Maria Khosa, a Lion Shaman who rescued Linda from an angry pride of lions in the wilds of Timbavati in 1991.

In our human striving for excellence, purpose and fulfilment, the 13 Laws of LionHearted Leadership™ teach us how to work with ourselves, with each other and with Nature to bring us back into being a state of peace and harmony that will, ultimately, enable us to save our planet from the consequences of the terrible imbalances that our human unconsciousness has brought about.

See what our past participants have to say…

Igniting the LionHeart training

Igniting the LionHeart is a one-week intensive programme, held in the heart of White Lion ancestral territories, which is at the epicentre of UNESCO’s Kruger-to-Canyons Biosphere. This LionHearted Leadership™ training is based on 13 timeless Laws of the White Lion, which inform ecosystems and human systems. The programme is designed to ignite the hearts and minds of emerging leaders in tackling global issues. Intensely focused, sparky and experiential, it is a unique resilience training born out of natural wisdom of the iconic White Lions – whose good governance is our inspiration.

The training is led by Linda Tucker, together with trusted leadership coach and career counselling specialist, psychologist Mae Maskew.

Typically, the training includes riverine walks, lion patrols, a night of sleep out under the stars, ‘story-telling’ your unique leadership narrative, guarding the flame and other heart-activating experiences, all based on the 13 Laws of LionHearted Leadership™ to equip next-generation leaders with the millennial tool-kit to transform their world.

``It really is a unique training, which allows modern-day participants to venture deep into their unique purpose, applying leading-edge technologies to ancient ancestral wisdom in a heart-centered way.`` Linda Tucker
For information on our next Igniting the LionHeart training
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