Linda Tucker

Category / Linda Tucker

OneUnited Roar Talent ChallengeTalented? Passionate about lions? Get involved in the Global One United Roar Talent Challenge – designed for youth worldwide to make a difference.Amazing prizes include a trip for 6 winners to the heart of White Lion territories – you’ll be hosted by the Global White Lion Protection Trust, a leading conservation organisation operating out of...

The White Lions have a fascinating connection with Japan, where the famous artist, Osamu Tezuka, who first dreamed of the White Lions more than a decade before they were actually documented in the 1970s. He created the famous animation, Kimba the White Lion (which inspired Disney’s Lion King). To celebrate the launch of the Japanese version of...

The Global White Lion Protection Trust in partnership with P.A.L (Protecting African Lions) will be screening the compelling full length documentary Blood Lions on the 28th November 2015 at 14h30. The screening will follow on from the March for Cecil which will be held in Trafalgar Square, London, UK at 12h00. Tickets to Blood Lions: Click Here To find...

  Timbavati. Epicentre of the UN Kruger to Canyons Biosphere. Ancestral homelands to the Sepedi and Tsonga nations. Heartlands of the legendary White Lions. After more than two decades of campaigning for the protection of Africa’s endangered lions, conservationist and CEO of the Global White Lion Protection Trust, Linda Tucker, extended an offer to the world’s most...

CEO of the WLT, Linda Tucker, with her beloved mentor Our LionHeart reaches out to all who knew and loved Dr Ian Player, most especially to his beloved wife, Ann, their daughter Jessica, the Player family and extended family around the world, both human and animal. Dr Ian Player was Patron of the Global White Lion Protection...

FORBES INTERVIEW with LINDA TUCKER   FORBES.COM has published an indepth, informative, and captivating interview with White Lion Trust's own Linda Tucker.  Learn about the history, challenges, and progress involved in helping save Africa's white lions.  Be inspired and see how just one person can make so much of a difference!   Read the full interview on  FORBES.COM  or start reading...

One Woman's Battle for Africa's Most Sacred Animal! In this captivating, suspenseful memoir, white lion conservationist Linda Tucker describes her perilous struggle to protect the sacred white lion from the merciless and mafia-like-hunting industry, armed only with her indomitable spirit and total devotion. CLICK TO VIEW FULL ITINERARY To Order The Book: In-Store ISNB number : 978-58394-605-3 Or buy online!...

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