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Recently Jason and Linda were interviewed by Bertus Louw from 50:50 over the question as to whether white lions should be considered as a separate sub-species and if so why? Click the link below to see the full interview. The white lions of the Timbavati are shrouded with mystery and controversy. These almost mythical creatures are...

FORBES INTERVIEW with LINDA TUCKER   FORBES.COM has published an indepth, informative, and captivating interview with White Lion Trust's own Linda Tucker.  Learn about the history, challenges, and progress involved in helping save Africa's white lions.  Be inspired and see how just one person can make so much of a difference!   Read the full interview on  FORBES.COM  or start reading...

One Woman's Battle for Africa's Most Sacred Animal! In this captivating, suspenseful memoir, white lion conservationist Linda Tucker describes her perilous struggle to protect the sacred white lion from the merciless and mafia-like-hunting industry, armed only with her indomitable spirit and total devotion. CLICK TO VIEW FULL ITINERARY To Order The Book: In-Store ISNB number : 978-58394-605-3 Or buy online!...

Excitement is in the air!! The new 2013 schedules are finally here: WINTER PROGRAM 2013: 19TH JULY – 12TH AUGUST SUMMER PROGRAM 2013: 29TH NOVEMBER – 22ND DECEMBER   WHITE LION LEADERSHIP ACADEMY The objective of the White Lion Leadership Academy is to inspire and empower participants to embody White Lion leadership principles, and improve their own intellectual, emotional and...

Deepak Chopra (world leader in New Age spiritual consciousness and alternative medicine) discusses the importance of the White Lions and Linda Tucker’s book “Mystery of the White Lions: Children of the Sungod” and expresses his support of the critical conservation work of the Global White Lion Protection Trust of which Sheryl Leach (creator of Barney the...

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