Messages from the Heartlands

Add your single voice to the crowd-speaking platform, Thunderclap, and be part of changing conservation history for the world's lions TODAY. Thunderclap is the first-ever crowdspeaking platform that helps people be heard by saying something together. It allows a single message to be mass-shared, flash mob-style, so it rises above the noise of your social networks. ...

Recently Jason and Linda were interviewed by Bertus Louw from 50:50 over the question as to whether white lions should be considered as a separate sub-species and if so why? Click the link below to see the full interview. The white lions of the Timbavati are shrouded with mystery and controversy. These almost mythical creatures are...

LIONS IN CRISIS Please join the Global March for Lions: 15 March 2014 This is a very urgent appeal on behalf of South Africa’s lions and lion heritage, which is in desperate trouble. A series of coordinated rallies are taking place around the world on March 15th 2014 - with the aim of banning canned lion hunting. Join...

URGENT FUNDING TO KEEP THIS PROGRAM GOING: GLOBAL GIVING CAMPAIGN - TARGET $ 16,000   Support this highly effective inspirational program. Join us in supporting the low income community surrounding the White Lions' pridelands, where the orphan rate is nearly 60%. Our Eco-Cubs program directly empowers more than 1000 vulnerable kids with the confidence to become tomorrow's lionhearted leaders. We urgently...

Two Global White Lion Trust Internship Opportunities   We are looking for two members to join our team. Are you up for the exciting and life changing challenge?   Download the Documents for These Opportunities: (Or read the full descriptions further below) Fundraiser Internship Requirements - Document Download IT Internship Requirements - Document Download     INTERNSHIP OPPORTUNITY #1:   FUNDRAISER / GRANT WRITER...

Former Volunteer Holds A Fundraiser in Norway Thank you to Nina Fadnes, a former volunteer in 2013 , and Elisabet in Norway for raising funds on September 8th, 2013 for the WLT. They helped raise money by selling photographic prints of white lions and animals of the African bushveld. We asked them how to put together...

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