As a Non-Profit Organisation, our achievements are made possible through the donations received from passionate supporters.
By hosting a fundraiser on our behalf, you are not only raising awareness for the luminous White Lions, you are also helping us overcome the practical challenges we face in achieving their protection and flourishing in the wilds of their endemic habitat.
On this page, you will find tips and inspiration to help you raise funds for the White Lions.
The multi-faceted nature of our project means that whilst we are campaigning for the better protection of lions in Parliament, growing our eco-educational curriculum in local StarLion Centers, and engaging with leaders from around the globe, we are also incurring everyday costs in the regeneration and upkeep of the vast protected area that is now known as the “White Lion Heartlands.”
Daily fuel for one lion-monitoring vehicle
One head torch for our anti-poaching team: allowing for hands-free fence-repair or snare-sweeps in the dark
Each of our adult lions requires a radio collar in order for us to establish their whereabouts at any given time
Our team members each require a hand-held radio and charger for daily coordination activities, as well as crisis situations such as poaching threats or injuries
Social events are fun opportunities to share information in a low-pressure environment, plus it helps to strengthen the fabric of your community! Bring friends, family and colleagues together for a dinner party, screen a film in your living room, create a book club, or arrange a neighbourhood pot-luck lunch.
A Lion’s roar can be heard up to 8km (5 miles) away! How about organising a fun run for this distance, and teaching your fellow runners some facts about Lions along the way?
Raise funds whilst raising your fitness: plan a sponsored challenge in whichever activity you like, such as walking, running, swimming, dancing, yoga – the choices are endless. Invite your friends and colleagues to join you, so that you can motivate each other to push your fitness limits!
Be a LionHearted Leader in your school or friend group – raise awareness and funds for the White Lions by hosting a stall at a school fair, writing and performing a Pride Poem with your class, holding a talent competition, or running a bake sale!
Moringa is a popular superfood that grows in the region of the White Lions’ origin – known as the “tree of life,” it is one of the most nutritious (and delicious) plants on the planet! Find our star chef, Enelani’s recipe for Moringa Cookies below!
Find out if you can add your link to your email signatures, to help spread the word. You could also ask your employer if the company could commit to match-giving – many organisations will match the funds that you raise, dollar for dollar!
Ensure that you’ve got lots of lead time to plan and publicise your fundraiser, and check that it doesn’t clash with any other local events.
Before you start, download and sign our fundraising guidelines and email us with your ideas. We need to be aware of any public event that raises funds in the name of the Global White Lion Protection Trust.
You can still collect funds manually – for example, by using our sponsorship form template!
Fundraising is made simpler and easier with online tools such as – create your own crowdfunding page using our template, and all funds collected will go straight to the Global White Lion Protection Trust. Share the link on your social media pages, through email, or load it as a banner on your website!
Always contact us with your promotional materials before you start publicising your event. We will make sure they comply with our fundraising requirements and provide helpful suggestions.
Basic practicalities: check weather conditions, safety and security plans, and any necessary licenses for your venue.
Information sharing: let your guests know why you are raising money for the White Lions – do you have posters to put up, leaflets to give out, or films to screen?
Funds-collection: have you got your sponsorship forms, printed QR codes, PayPal links, etc.?
Lights, camera, action: be sure to take photos of your event in full swing to share with the world!
CELEBRATE and Give Thanks! After your event has ended, be sure to send a follow-up letter or email, thanking everyone for attending and letting them know what was achieved. Remember to also give thanks to any Pride members who helped you along the way!