Forbes Interview With Linda Tucker – “One Woman’s Remarkable Quest to Save Africa’s White Lions”
FORBES.COM has published an indepth, informative, and captivating interview with White Lion Trust’s own Linda Tucker. Learn about the history, challenges, and progress involved in helping save Africa’s white lions. Be inspired and see how just one person can make so much of a difference!
Read the full interview on FORBES.COM or start reading the article below:
One Woman’s Remarkable Quest to Save Africa’s White Lions
Her name is Linda Tucker and, prior to attending the University of Cape Town, and then Cambridge (UK), she grew up during the tumult and agonies of South African Apartheid. In 1991, at the height of a fashion and marketing career, something happened to her in the presence of lions, an epiphany that turned her world upside down: she became a conservationist.
By 2002, she had founded the Global White Lion Protection Trust (WLT), a community-based conservation organization whose objective is the protection of the unique White Lions, and the preservation of the magnificent cultures of the indigenous Tsonga and Sepedi communities, which celebrate these legendary animals as a cultural and conservation legacy.
The WLT has an advisory council comprising traditional leaders from around the globe, and experts from financial, scientific, accounting, political and legal backgrounds. Linda’s charity has secured large tracks of ancestral pride-lands as a protected area for the White Lions, and has successfully reintroduced 3 prides back into the wild in a carefully monitored scientific reintroduction program which is restoring their gene pool to the region of their origin.
In The Heart of Africa
This protected area is situated along the Klaserie River and consists of approximately 5000 acres. The Trust’s CEO hopes to secure far more of the ancestral White Lion territory with donations from throughout the world. What is needed is protection in perpetuity of the entire Klaserie riparian corridor that gives life to the entire biome. At the same time, there is every reason to be hopeful that the White Lion Heartlands can gain both National Heritage and World Heritage status.
Read the full interview on FORBES.COM
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