Giuliana Lanzoni Science Fair Project – Saint Paul College Costa Rica
Giuliana Lanzoni Breaks Away From the Pack
Below is an incerpt taken from a letter, sent by Giuliana’s parents, notifying the Trust on their daughter’s exceptional work and vision with her unique and brilliant science fair project.
“Dear Global White Lion Protection Trust,
I want to share with you some pictures of The Science Fair in Giuliana´s School – Saint Paul College. In the Science Fair, the project topics are recommended by teachers and they subsequently choose the best projects. But an exception was made for Giuliana, who exposed a theme suggested by herself – The Global White Lion Protection Trust
The teachers and the School Principal found the theme interesting and they allowed Giuliana to promote it in the science fair. Giuliana exposed the problem, explained the importance of donations, and gave a sticker with the website, to motivate others to donate. She even designed the two stickers herself.” (Seen below)
A big ROOOOAAAR to Giuliana and the entire Lanzoni family for increasing awareness and helping our cause!! We feel inspired and blessed that we have such a wonderful family looking after and supporting our White Lions. We are not sure what is brighter – the light the White Lions bring to everyone or Giuliana’s future!!
Yours Very Appreciatively,
The Global White Lion Trust
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