Following the well-attended colloquium held in South African Parliament on 21/22 August 2018, where stakeholders were brought together to discuss the impact of the captive breeding-to-kill industry, Linda addressed a letter to the Chairperson calling for a moratorium on the killing of any of The Big Five for a period of at least three years: UPDATE:...

For the Global White Lion Protection Trust, South African Parliament’s announcement yesterday that it would be clamping down on the Canned Hunting and lion bone trade represents a significant triumph after two decades of intensive campaigning against the captive killing lion industry. This decision took place after a coordinated effort of opposition was created by...

Like fingerprints, every lion has unique spot patterns. No two are identical.  This killing industry is not only scientifically unsound, environmentally unsustainable and fundamentally unethical, it is also culturally offensive across any and all cultures who hold Nature with love and respect. Mrs Nosipho Ngcaba - 20 July 2018 Director-General Department of Environmental Affairs Our original Letter of Objection (11...

King of Animals The White Lion as Nature intended 20/07/2018 BREAKING NEWS from The Times:  Canned lion hunting 'abhorrent to African culture' Download pdf of Linda's Letter to the South African President on behalf of our lions Dear President Cyril Matamela Ramaphosa, 100 Days into your presidency may have passed, and yet the salutes of praise in Africa’s great tradition that... Last week, a male lion from the Kruger National Park was baited and trophy hunted in Umbabat Private Nature Reserve, which forms part of the Associated Private Nature Reserves (APNR) and forms part of the Greater Kruger National Park. Regrettably, this high-handed ecologically irresponsible attitude to trophy hunting for commercial purposes goes back decades in the...

Statement issued by Linda Tucker and Jason A. Turner Following the 5th Animal Energy World Conference, with its magnificent expressed intention of helping restore Peace on Earth by bringing our natures back into service of Mother Nature, and which convened so many wonderful souls from around the world in a united effort to do so, we...

Expert Opinion by Jason A. Turner as he corrects popular misperceptions and misinformation in National Geographic’s article: “Rare White Lion Cub Seen in South Africa”  After a new-born white lion cub, together with its tawny siblings, was photographed in a den site in Timbavati, caused international speculation on it's prospects for survival, scientific authority Jason A. Turner was compelled...

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