Lion News

Category / Lion News

The Global White Lion Protection Trust (WLT) has sent an urgent letter of objection to the Director-General of Environmental Affairs, highlighting major concerns about the proposed National Biodiversity Management Plan (BMP) for Lions in South Africa (Gazette No. 38706). As the proposed Biodiversity Management Plan stands, it will  1)  legitimise the notorious malpractice of captive breeding and...

CEO of the WLT, Linda Tucker, with her beloved mentor Our LionHeart reaches out to all who knew and loved Dr Ian Player, most especially to his beloved wife, Ann, their daughter Jessica, the Player family and extended family around the world, both human and animal. Dr Ian Player was Patron of the Global White Lion Protection...

The WLT will be commemorating World Lion Day together with our local community, who will be marching for the urgent protection of their White Lion heritage. The Sepedi and Tsonga people believe in the sacred importance of the White Lions, and many regard them lovingly as family members. However, White Lions have been artificially removed...

Add your single voice to the crowd-speaking platform, Thunderclap, and be part of changing conservation history for the world's lions TODAY. Thunderclap is the first-ever crowdspeaking platform that helps people be heard by saying something together. It allows a single message to be mass-shared, flash mob-style, so it rises above the noise of your social networks. ...

Recently Jason and Linda were interviewed by Bertus Louw from 50:50 over the question as to whether white lions should be considered as a separate sub-species and if so why? Click the link below to see the full interview. The white lions of the Timbavati are shrouded with mystery and controversy. These almost mythical creatures are...

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