The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched they must be felt with the heart - Helen Keller. At the White Lion Trust our concern is for all lions across the globe, and particularly in Africa, this enlightening article by author Brian Jackman shares the story about the slow destruction of...

by Eija Lindqvist (visitor to the White Lion Territories) Eija Lindqvist visited the Global White Lion Protection Trust from Finland in 2014. She felt drawn to Africa from her childhood, and her first visit to the continent was at the White Lions' territories. Now she is a member of the Trophy Free EU Group. We wanted to share...

The White Lions have a fascinating connection with Japan, where the famous artist, Osamu Tezuka, who first dreamed of the White Lions more than a decade before they were actually documented in the 1970s. He created the famous animation, Kimba the White Lion (which inspired Disney’s Lion King). To celebrate the launch of the Japanese version of...

A recently published article by the scientifically acclaimed Society for Conservation Biology, features a factual overview by lion ecologist Jason A. Turner of the history of white lions and the Global White Lion Protection Trust’s conservation strategy for South Africa’s iconic species, highlighting their critical conservation importance in light of the imminent threat to the survival...

It is with deep sadness that we announce the passing away of Mandla, our great King. The gentle giant, who’s original name was As-lan (meaning “StarLion”), passed painlessly and peacefully. Many of you shared parts of his extraordinary journey with us.For almost two decades, this majestic lion represented the life-force behind our project; and his legacy...

  Lorraine is based in the United States and has studied with internationally renowned animal communicator, Wynter Worsthorne. Upon completing her Practitioner’s Certification (2015) she is now working professionally. She is also a young adult author/illustrator whose work focuses on animal rights. She is currently creating a series of graphic novels based upon her conversations with endangered animals. She...

Protecting African Lions (P.A.L) and The Global White Lion Protection Trust (WLT) have joined forces under the White Lion Trust's newly launched One United Roar (O.U.R Campaign for Lions). The campaign was launched on World Lion Day with the aim of achieving greater protection for Lions and all endangered species globally. The O.U.R. campaign is supported by Archbishop...

  Timbavati. Epicentre of the UN Kruger to Canyons Biosphere. Ancestral homelands to the Sepedi and Tsonga nations. Heartlands of the legendary White Lions. After more than two decades of campaigning for the protection of Africa’s endangered lions, conservationist and CEO of the Global White Lion Protection Trust, Linda Tucker, extended an offer to the world’s most...

O.U.R. LIONHEARTED CALL TO ACTION:1WRITE to South African Nature Conservation (DEA) and express your anger, dismay and disgust in the strongest terms possible at the legalizing of the reprehensible Lion Bones Trade in lions. Deputy Director  Mpho Tjiane (CITES policy development and implementation) organisations that are protecting lions and their ecosystems against incredible odds. See the...

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