Lion Name:
Derives from the Orion Star Constellation and is understood to be the African equivalent of Hercules, Great ‘Star Hunter’.
Derives from the Orion Star Constellation and is understood to be the African equivalent of Hercules, Great ‘Star Hunter’.
Majestic, curious, and a ladies man.
A Day of Freedom is what it costs our non-profit organisation to ensure the freedom and safety of every single one of our lions every single day – free-roaming in the heart of their Protected Area, as is their nature-given right.
Matsieng and Zukhara are the magnificent twin sons of King Mandla. Inextricable from birth, they have spent their lives together, the first generation born free in the Heartlands.
Zihra is their mother and Nebu their sister. Hugely handsome and curious of nature, Matsieng is a living expression of Orion, a Star Warrior in flesh and form, who’s sacred warriorship is intended to protect the Land and the Ladies. Both Cleopatra and Tswalu find him highly desirable and have shown their appreciation by inviting him to mate with each of them on different occasions.